Josip Doričić, din Žejân.
Žives â la Måtulj, e trideset... trideset ånj.
Ši ånč m-am ostaręjt.
Betâr am verit, betâr sâm akmo.
E, ši čåsto... ku čåsto am pošnit.
Čåsto m-jav fost prvile mlatâc če am... ku če am ånč verit. Česta.
Ši čåste klęšte. Tot ča åto am âns fakut, čåste klęšte am tot âns fakut.
Kovačija se åfla nakovåla, foku, orudja ku če lukråm, mlatâc, probijåč, sikåč. Tot če-c rabę.
Čå av fost osnovica de... če... ku če s-av pošnit lukra.
Kând nušte lukri.
Čåste mi-s kând potkove lukru.
Čåste mi-s de... ku čåste nu pok čåsta cirę, ku čåste klęšte.
Pa čåja av fost kovåč. Vozure av okujujt, blåga farekavęjt, tot če av fost triba: orudje, sekura popravi... Vezi čåsta nå.
Nu-c va taljå, moreš vo popravi ši otegni ši obrusi ši kali ši....
E životu vę, kând âs blåga, de kålj...
Če av fost maj teško?
Vę, češći kolåče vari, ân fok, aparåtu n-av fost.
Ši česta kus vę, vę česta kus nå. Čåsto av fost teško lukrå.
L-aj moręjt zavari, atunče čåsto zavijuj. Neka-j... čåsto av fost de figura, de fino vedę.
N-av fost je... samo jednostavno. Triba av fost nušte ši fåče. E ne samo fåče da je.
Češći kolåči av fost tot teško vari.
Šina, šina grosa, pre kola če av verit, s-av varit ân fok... s-av varit.
E åstez je lâhko ke-j aparåt.
Čåsta, akmo c-voj ziče kum se čåsta fåče.
Voj ânka ura vlå, o betâra, de čuda vręme.
Ånč se zasečę ši česta brkâlj vire... čåsta... česta... čåsta vire preste pårkȃlju.
E denč se vire ånč na okruglo.
Atunče se čåsto raširę ši škuljile fåče.
Čåsta-j de ân pičor.
Čåsta-s potkovele de ân pičor, vånjska ši nutarnja potkova.
Do potkove-j triba de ân bo farekå, ali de o våka.
Såkile pičor va do potkove.
– Ši kât av duręjt ašå o potkova?
– E kum av âmnåt. Se av ân Rika âmnåt, nu lj-av čuda duręjt.
– Ne?
– Trideset kilometri.
Josip Doričić, from Žejane.
I live in Matulji, well thirty... thirty years.
And I have grown old here.
I came here old, and I'm old now.
And, this... I began with this. This is my first hammer that I... with which I came here. This one.
And these pliers. I earned everything else myself, I earned all these pliers myself.
In the blacksmith's shop there's an anvil, a tool with which work is done, a hammer, a probe, a cutter. Everything that's needed.
These were the basics for ... with... which one began working.
When something is being done.
I use these for making horseshoes. These are for... with this I can hold this, with these pliers.
Well my father was a blacksmith. He studded wagons, shoed livestock, everything that was needed: tools, fixing axes... See this.
This doesn't cut, you have to fix it and lengthen the blade and ground and temper and...
I mean look, life is... when you have livestock, horses...
What was the hardest?
See, welding these hoops, on fire. There were no machines.
And look at this piece, see this piece. This was difficult to do.
It had to welded, then fold this over. So that is... this was for appearance, so that it looked nice.
It wasn't... so simple. Something needed to be created too. Not just to be.
These hoops were very hard to weld.
Band, thick band, which is placed on the wheel, was welded over fire... was welded.
Today it's easy because there's a machine.
Here, now I will tell you how this is done.
I'll take another old one, from a long time ago.
It’s cut here, and this tip comes.... this... this one... this goes over the hoof.
And from here you come to the round part.
Then this is spread and holes are made.
This is for one foot.
These horseshoes are for one foot, external and internal horseshoe.
Two horseshoes are needed to shoe one ox or one cow.
Each foot needs two horseshoes.
– And how long did one horseshoe last?
– Well it depends on how far one travelled. If one went to Rijeka, it wouldn't last long.
– No?
– Thirty kilometres.