News and events
Presentation in Žejane on June 15, 2019
U subotu 15.6.2019. godine u 17 sati u Žejankoj školi u Žejanama, Zvjezdana Vrzić održati će predavanje pod naslovom DESET GODINA RADA NA DOKUMENTIRANJU I OČUVANJU ŽEJANSKOG JEZIKA. Svi su dobrodošli!
Learn morePresentation of the project at the Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America
07.01.2017. On January 5, 2017, Dr. Zvjezdana Vrzić presented the project of documentation of the Vlashki and Zheyanski language at the Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America 2017, held in Austin, Texas, USA. You can view the poster here, and find out more about the conference program on the link (…/lsa-2017-annual-meeting).
Learn moreBusy schedule of activities of Puljići in 2016
The children’s language playgroup “Puljići” was also held during 2016 under the leadership of Viviana Brkarić, with the help of Marina Mikuluš. Through celebrations, drawings, preparation of greeting cards and other activities, they celebrated feast days and the customs associated with them. During the carnival period, the “Puljići” created masks and walked around Šušnjevica and Nova Vas to...
Learn moreChristmas concert of the Žejančići
20.12.2016. The highlight of this year’s Christmas concert, held on 18 December 2016, was the meeting of Father Christmas with the children from Žejane, which was organised by the Municipal committee of Žejane. After the performance of the animators, the “Žejančići” performed a short program: they recited the poem Žejančići and sang Silent Night in the Zheyanski language, while Adrijana Gabriš, the head of the...
Learn moreContinued activities of the Žejančići
30.11.2016. After the summer holidays, the Children’s language playgroup “Žejančići” continued with learning of the Zheyanski language in the beginning of September. Greater attention was given to stories written in the Vlashki and Zheyanski language (such as Šćorica de lisica ši de lupu, Rojšebaretica), and this through reading, storytelling, drawing and creating worksheets. Fall themes were...
Learn moreDocumentary film “An Kovačije la Pepo/In Josip’s blacksmith’s shop” at the CIK festival
20. 8. 2016 In the period from August 11 to 13, 2016, the second edition of the Civilisation and Culture Film Festival was held on the Amfiteatar summer stage in Matulji. The first evening of the non-competitive part of the festival started with the showing of the short documentary film “An kovačije la Pepo/U Josipovoj kovačnici (In Josip’s blacksmith’s shop), which was introduced by the author Robert Doričić. The...
Learn moreDay of the Zheyanski language 2016
10.08.2016. On Sunday, 7 August 2016, in the premises of the former regional school in Žejane, the eighth consecutive Zija de žejånska limba (Day of the Zheyanski language), an event dedicated to the Zheyanski language, was held. As part of the program, a workshop for the parents of children attending the children’s language playgroup “Žejančići” was organised in the morning and was run by the author of the...
Learn moreDay of the Vlach language 2016
9. 8. 2016 On Saturday, August 6, 2016 in Šušnjevica, in front of the church, the now already traditional event Zija de vlåška limba (Day of the Vlashki language), dedicated to the Vlashki language, was held. The organisers of the event are the Association “Spod Učke” and the Association “Tragovi”, partners on the project Preservation of the Vlashki and Zheyanski...
Learn moreFinal summer performance of the Žejančići
20.06.2016. The final summer performance of the attendees of the children’s language playgroup “Žejančići” was held on Sunday, 19 June 2016 in the former school in Žejane. Anamarija Strčić announced the program, which consisted of recitations of poems--Firu, Laticele, Mora ši broštulinu and Amę nona, a short play Måtina ši Tone, dancing to the song Sup Šije and accordion...
Learn moreActivities of Žejančići in the first half of 2016
31.05.2016. After numerous activities during the carnival season, the attendees of the children’s language playgroup “Žejančići” continued with their learning of the Zheyanski language. Just like each season, they worked around various themes of local interest (e.g. carnival, Women’s Day, Spring, Easter, spring work, etc.). By drawing, singing, walking through the village and other activities, they've...
Learn moreChristmas show
21.12.2015. On Sunday, December 20, 2015, participants of the Children's Playroom "Žejančići" held a show titled: Božić va veri ... Sup Šija ... (Christmas is coming ... under Šija ...).
Learn moreBeekeepers visit Puljići
03.11.2015. On November 3, 2015, the beekeepers from the Labin area visited the “Puljići”. The beekeepers gave the children gifts of honey and a short presentation about bees and beekeeping. In return, the “Puljići” sang a few songs in the Vlashki language for them and gave them drawings of bees that they prepared for them. The beekeepers also learned from the children the Vlashki words for honey (mljåre),...
Learn moreContinued work of the Puljići
25.09.2015. After the summer break, the Children’s language playroup “Puljići” continued with its activities in the middle of September 2015. The participants are learning the basics of the Vlashki language in a fun way, through songs, games, artistic expression and other activities.
Learn moreThe Žejančići second birthday
20.09.2015. On September 20, 2015, the children attending the Children’s language playgroup "Žejančići" celebrated the playgroup’s second birthday with their teacher Adrijana Gabriš and in this way, ushered in a new season for the playgroup activities. New activities involved the songs Sup Šije, translated and adapted by Rado Cvetko Doričić from the Chakavian Croatian song Pod Učkun by Drago...
Learn moreDay of the Vlashki language 2015
02.08.2015. The seventh annual Day of the Vlashki language was held on Sunday, August 2, 2015 in Šušnjevica. The welcome speech was given by the Istrian Region Vice-President, Viviana Benussi, and Vlado Peršić, the Deputy Major of the Kršan County. A newly published tri-lingual tourist map of Šušnjevica and the surrounding area, and an information sign feature the map, that was erected on the...
Learn moreDay of the Zheyanski language 2015
01.08.2015. The Day of the Zheyanski language was held for the seventh time in Žejane on Saturday, August 1, 2015, in the premises of the former Žejane school. This year’s event included two talks and the presentation of the music video Pipa in Zheyanski. In the first part of the program, Tomislav Augustinčić, an ethnology and cultural anthropology student from the University of Zagreb, gave a talk including a...
Learn morePuljići’s summer performance
07.07.2015. At their end-of-the-school-year summer concert, “Puljići” treated the large audience with songs and poems in the Vlashki language and the projection of three new video interviews from the series Ku Ani ši Natali prin nostru kråj (S Ani i Natali po našem kraju – Around our region with Ani and Natali). The concert was held on July 7, 2015, in the premises of the local community centre in...
Learn moreActivities of the Žejančići” in the first half of 2015
31.05.2015. After the traditional carnival events in which even the children of the “Children’s language playgroup “Žejančići” participated, the playgroup continued with its activities on 1 March 2015. The “Žejančići” started learning about the seasons, and followed on with Women’s Day and Easter. They also participated in the commemoration remembering those village people who had died in the...
Learn morePuljići spring activities
31.03.2015. After the winter holidays, the children attending the Children’s language playgroup “Puljići” continued their work with new, spring activities. Along with the indoor classroom activities, the children also planted a small ecological garden, located behind the building of the local community centre in Šušnjevica. This year, “Puljići” planted mostly flowers in the garden. The...
Learn moreThe Žejančići Christmas show
31.12.2014. A gathering and a celebration were organised after Christmas in the Žejane school (delayed due to bad weather conditions) with parents and close family. During the informal program, the “Žejančići” showed everything they had learned that year and even received gifts that were presented to them by their teacher Adrijana Gabriš. After the performance, they enjoyed refreshments and one another’s company...
Learn morePuljići’s Christmas concert
23.12.2014. At the end of 2014, the children participating in the Children's language playgroup “Puljići” organised a Christmas concert where they recited and sang Christmas songs in the Vlashki language. The concert was held in Šušnjevica on December 23, 2014 in the premises of the local community centre. “Video postcards” with background music in the Vlashki language and photographs of...
Learn moreŽejančići - on the show Ča skalica
23.12.2014. To present their music video Pipa, the children attending the Children’s language playgroup “Žejančići” participated with their teacher Adrijana Gabriš and president of the Association “Žejane”, Robert Doričić, in the show Ča skalica on Channel RI that aired on December 23, 2014. Anamarija Strčić recited her poem Nę (Snijeg) on the show, while all the children together sang...
Learn moreFilming and advertising the music video Pipa
09.11.2014. The music video Pipa was filmed on November 9, 2014, in the konoba (wine cellar) of the Kljonetovi family. Filming lasted three hours with the participation of the following children from the Children’s language playgroup “Žejančići”: Anamarija Strčić (solo), Alex Doričić, Matej Doričić, Mihael Doričić, Kaja Kosanović, Antonio Kuharić, Elena Kuharić, Rafael Mejak, Ivana Perak and Apolonija...
Learn morePreparations for filming the music video Pipa
30.09.2014. After the summer break, the Children’s language playgroup “Žejančići” began with activities once again in September, after the start of the school year. Given that the filming of the music video Pipa had been planned, the entire season (half-year) was focused around it. The filming took place in an old konoba (wine cellar), at Kljonetovi, while the script was written as follows: in the 1950’s, in a...
Learn moreDay of the Zheyanski language 2014
02.08.2014. The Day of the Zheyanski language (Zija de žejånska limba) was held on August 2. 2014 in Žejane, in the premises of the former regional school. This event, which was organised as part of the project Očuvanje vlaškog i žejanskog jezika (Preservation of the Vlashki and Zheyanski Language), was held for the sixth time. At the beginning of the gathering, Petra Ćulibruk, a representative of the Municipality of...
Learn moreDay of the Vlashki language 2014
01.08.2014. This year's event dedicated to the Vlashki language, the sixth annual Day of the Vlashki language, was held on Friday, August 1, 2014 in Šušnjevica. The event began in the premises of the local community centre with a lecture by Zvjezdana Vrzić, Ph.D., on the topic Hoće li uvijek biti govornika Vlaškog? Stvarnost i stavovi (Will there always be speakers the Vlach language? Reality and attitudes)....
Learn moreZejancici performance
20.06.2014. After months of hard work and before the summer break, the Children’s language playgroup “Žejančići” held a performance entitled “TV råzglednica din Žejȃn” (TV postcard from Žejane). On June 19, 2014, in the premises of the former school in Žejane, dressed in folk costumes, the children performed what they had learned to the delight of a large audience. The concert consisted of...
Learn moreContinued work of the Puljići
11.06.2014. After the summer break, the Children’s language playroup “Puljići” continued with its activities in the middle of September 2015. The participants are learning the basics of the Vlashki language in a fun way, through songs, games, artistic expression and other activities.
Learn moreVlashki and Zheyanski language at The Language Fair in Portugal
10.12.2013. On October 17 and 18, the International Conference on Endangered Languages in Europe took place in Alcanena, a small town in Portugal. A presentation entitled "Identity and language shift among Vlashki/Zheyanski-speaking Istrians in Croatia" was given there by dr. sc. Zvjezdana Vrzić and prof. dr. John Singler of New York University. A cultural event, which aimed to introduce...
Learn moreCD to teach Vlashki to children with songs and rhymes
27.11.2013. In July 2013, the Tragovi Association published a new language program dedicated to children. It is called En, den, dire, viro ku mire: Vlaški za djecu i roditelje – Vlashki for children and parents and it is designed to teach the basics of the Vlashki language (also, Istro-Romanian) through song, spoken word and music to children as well as their parents. The program includes a 30-minute music CD with...
Learn moreThe Language playroom for children Žejančići started its activities in Žejane
25.11.2013. In September 2013 in Žejane, the Language playroom for children "Žejančići" started its activities. The language playroom takes place every Saturday morning in the premises of the former school in Žejane under the leadership of Adrijana Gabriš and with the assistance of Davorka Stambulić, both native speakers of the endangered Zheyanski language. The participants of the program are ten children from...
Learn moreRecently in the media
11.09.2013. The Vlaški or Žejanski (Vlashki/Zheyanski, also, Istro-Romanian) language and our efforts toward its documentation and preservation have been reported on in the media a few times in the recent months. Find out more by following the enclosed links. TV Nova Pula 7.9.2013. "Od subote do subote", II. dio (26:09-34:00) Novi list 5.8.2013. "Viro ku mire" ili svi skupa za spas...
Learn moreThe 2013 Day of the Vlaški Language and Day of the Žejanski Language
28.08.2013. On Saturday, August 3rd, 2013, the Day of Žejanski Language was held in Žejane, and the next day it was the Day of Vlaški Language in Šušnjevica. This year the program of the manifestations was dedicated to the children. In the former school in Žejane, the children workshop in Žejanski language was held and CD Viro ku mire – Vlaški language for parents and children was introduced. In this...
Learn moreExibition of old photographs - Neka nu me uci... So you don't forget me...- travels to three more locations
01.10.2013. NEKA NU ME UCI… SO YOU DON'T FORGET ME…: Photographic records of the life of Žejane, Šušnjevica and the surrounding villages, from the digital archive of the Preservation of the Vlashki and Zheyanski Language Project It is our pleasure to announce that the exhibition, which opened in August of this year in Šušnjevica and Žejane, the native...
Learn moreThe Puljići Language Playroom
22.02.2012. One of the most important steps toward the preservation and revitalization of the Vlashki language is the teaching of the language to the youngest members of the community, those of the pre-school age. This is crucial in view of the fact that the natural transmission of the language, traditionally spoken in the Šušnjevica area, in families, from parents to children, has been largely interrupted in the last few...
Learn moreThe opening of the Žejane Heritage Center
19.02.2012. The temporary space of the Žejane Heritage Center was opened on Sunday, November 27, 2011 in the old school building in Žejane. The celebration of the opening coincided with the celebration of the day of St. Andrew, protector of Žejane, and followed the mass and a cultural program at the Žejane church. Robert Doričić, president of the Žejane Association, Father Marinko Kajić, director of the Vele Mune Parish,...
Learn moreThe 2011 Days of the Vlaški and Žejanski Language
25.10.2011. On August 6th and 7th, the Days of the Vlaški and Žejanski Language took place in Žejane and Šušnjevica for the third time. The rich and varied program included workshops, a round table and several presentations. On the first day, in the old school in Žejane, two workshops were held—for the first time this year, in the Žejanski language—by Robert Doričić and Adrijana Gabriš, the...
Learn morePublishing of the children's plays, Juva papâru kręšte - Where pepper grows
06.09.2011. We have recently published the text of the children's play "Juva papâru kręšte - Where pepper grows", which had its premiere at the Days of Vlaški and Žejanski Language in Šušnjevica in 2010. The children were invited to present the play again at this year's Legendfest in Pićan. You can download the PDF of the booklet, with either the English or Croatian translation, from this...
Learn moreLimba de saka zi - Everyday Language
15.04.2011. Limba de saka zi – Everyday language, an audio phrasebook teaching everyday expressions in Vlaški and Žejanski language (also, Istro-Romanian), was published in Croatia at the beginning of the month within the scope of this project. The program includes a 60-minute CD with more than 500 practical expressions in Vlaški and Žejanski used in everyday life and their translations to English, as well as a...
Learn moreAn extracurricular heritage and language program for children in Šušnjevica
14.04.2011. Every Wednesday since December 15, 2010, the extracurricular program entitled „Children learn to protect the local language and traditions" is taking place in the temporary space of the Heritage center in Šušnjevica. This program of guided activities for children is part of our project, Preservation of the Vlaški and Žejanski Language. The goal of this extracurricular program for elementary...
Learn moreTV special about Žejane on Croatian TV
29.03.2011. On Sunday, March 27, 2011 Croatian Radio-Television aired a TV special about Žejane and the Žejanski language. The video can be viewed here.
Learn moreZilele de vlåška ši žejånska limba 2010 – The Days of the Vlaški and Žejanski Language 2010
07.03.2011. “Zilele de vlåška ši žejånska limba 2010“ – “The Days of the Vlaški and Žejanski Language 2010“ took place for the second year on July 31st and August 1st, 2010. The program of this two-day event consisted of workshops and a talk for the community members. The activities started on July 31st in Šušnjevica and continued the next day in...
Learn more“Preservation of the Vlaški and Žejanski Language” presented at the Etnofilm2 festival in Rovinj, Croatia
18.04.2010. Etnofilm², the festival of ethnographic film took place in Rovinj, Croatia, between April 8th and April 11th, 2010. On the first day of this interesting event, at the Multimedial Center Rovinj, Ana Montan and Robert Doričić, collaborators on the project, presented the "Preservation of the Vlaški or Žejanski Language" project and played a selection of video clips which can be viewed on this website in the...
Learn moreThe Days of Vlaški and Žejanski Language 2009 – Zilele de Vlåška ši Žejånska Limba 2009
11.03.2010. An international conference devoted to the study of the Vlaški and Žejanski (also, Istro-Romanian) language, The Days of the Vlaški and Žejanski Language 2009 - Zilele de Vlåška ši Žejånska limba 2009, took place in Croatia, in the villages of Žejane and Šušnjevica, from July 10th to July 12th, 2009. This event was organized by the association Tragovi and the Ethnographic...
Learn more